Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has also expressed his Divine love through mystic poetry. Given below is his poetry as well as quatrains.

نت سے اعلیٰ اور ہر لمحہ انوار کی برسات ہے حضورؐ کی قبرِ انور پر
رحمت کا نزول اور ملائکہ کا درود و سلام ہے حضورؐ کی قبرِ انور پر
نجیبؔ جیسا عاصی و خطا کار نہیں ہے حضورؐ اس زمانے میں
بس ہے یہ التجا کہ سر رکھوں قدموں میں اور جاں نکلے حضورؐ کی قبرِ انور پر
Explanation: The light of Allah is continuously showering at the sacred shrine of our beloved Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Indeed, his tomb is superior to that of paradise. As, the benevolence of Allah descends upon it every moment and the angels present salutations. O my beloved Prophet, I admit that I am the most sinful and guilty person on the earth. Yet I dare to request you to let me die in your feet at your sacred tomb.

اسمِ اَللّٰہُ ذات ہی دیتا ہے انسان کو اصل حیات
اسی سے سینہ ہستی سے خواہشاتِ غیراَللّٰہ کی ممات
اپنے رُخ سے اٹھاتا ہے یہ حجاب اس وقت
عطا کرے جب اِسے صاحبِ مسمّٰی اسمِ ذات
Explanation: Certainly, the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat grants eternal life to a person. Moreover, it exterminates all the desires that are other than Allah from his inward. However, it is effective only if granted by the perfect spiritual guide who is the man of Divine Essence. Otherwise, neither its reality is revealed, nor one is blessed with its miraculous effects.
انسان کو اپنی پہچان سے ملتی ہے خدا کی پہچان
اسمِ اَللّٰہُ دیتا ہے انسان کو اپنی پہچان
جس نے نہ پہچانا اپنی ذات کو اسمِ اَللّٰہُ ذات سے
ناکامی و نامرادی اور سیاہ بختی ہے اس کی پہچان
Explanation: A person recognizes Allah by recognizing his inner being. In other words, one realizes his inward only through the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Contrarily, one who does not recognize himself through Ism-e-Allah Zaat, eternal failure, disappointment and misfortune are his destiny. Thus, whoever fails to find his own reality, can never be blessed with the recognition and closeness of Allah.
Quatrain about Searching his Spiritual Guide
بستی بستی ڈھونڈا، نگر نگر تلاش کیا
دلبر نہ ملا کہیں، سفر دور دراز کیا
جب کریم نے کیا فیصلہ محرمِ دِل بنانے کا
تو صاحب نے خود اپنے دیوانے کو تلاش کیا
Explanation: I wandered in every town and city and traveled to far off places but could not find my Beloved. On the other hand, when the Divine Essence decided to bless my humble self then He Himself called me. Thus, He blessed with His closeness and union and made me His confidant and beloved. In fact, He Himself called me towards His court, thus helped me reach my spiritual guide.
عشق کی ابتدا ہے دیدار و صحبت یار کی
عشق کا حاصل ہے محبت یار کی
عشق کی حقیقت، عشق ہے بس عشق
عشق کی انتہا ہے ذات یار کی
Explanation: To tell the truth, the beginning of Divine love (ishq) is the vision and company of the Divine Beloved. Consequently, the reward of Divine love is the love returned by the Beloved. The reality of Divine love cannot be explained in words, in fact, it is just ‘The Divine love’. Furthermore, the extreme and ultimate level of Divine love is to annihilate oneself and eventually become One with the Beloved.
Quatrain on Annihilation in Murshid
میرے جسم کے لُوں لُوں میں سما گیا یار میرا
میں کھو گیا اور آگیا یار میرا
میں ظاہر میں تلاش کرتا رہا جسے
میرا قالب ہی بن گیا یار میرا
Explanation: Each and every cell of my body is obsessed with the love of my Beloved. Said another way I annihilated and lost myself in Him, so now my existence is actually His. There was a time when I wandered everywhere in His search. However, now He has become my own physical as well as spiritual being
نجیبؔ نہ رہا باقی، یار کی ذات میں فنا ہو گیا
اپنے غیر سمجھ نہ سکے، کہتے ہیں کہ کیا سے کیا ہو گیا
سنو! نجیب تو کب کا مر چکا اے دوستو
یار سے جب یار مِلا، میں میں نہ رہا وہ ہو گیا
Explanation: Najib has annihilated in his Beloved and thus, lost his own self. However, people could not understand what happened to him and how he has totally changed. Listen friends! In fact, Najib does not exist anymore. When I became spiritually one with my Beloved, then my being became His reflection.
Quatrain Said on visiting the Shrine of his Murshid
After Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s death, when Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen visited his shrine first time, there he uttered following words;
جھکا جب مزارِ یار پر، اَنْتَ اَنَا وَاَ نَا اَنْتَ کی آئی صدا
کی عرض کہ اس قابل نہیں ہوں، فرمایا یہی تو ہے ہماری عطا
دیکھ ذرا قلب کے اندر کہ یہ تو ہے کہ میں
دنیا اور وجود اپنا چھوڑ کر میں قالب تیرے میں آبسا
Explanation: I bowed at the shrine of my beloved spiritual guide. Then I heard him saying; “I am you and you are me”. Consequently, I humbly replied that I do not deserve such an honour. Then he said, “This is my blessing upon you. Look within yourself, is it you or me? I left the world and the cover of my body and now I live within you.”
Eulogy on Grandeur of his Spiritual Guide
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman describes the grandeur of his spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali in the following eulogy:
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Mazhar-e-Zaat-e-Rabbani (The manifestation of Divine Essence)
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہرِ ذاتِ رَبَّانی
روحِ باھو ، محبوبِ شاہِ جیلانیؓ
سلطان الفقر، منبع فیضِ سلطانی
صاحبِ فقر، مقام لامکانی
مرادِ سلطان عزیزؒ ، حیاتِ جاودانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
2. ازل سے حاصل مرتبہ حق الیقین
ہر لمحہ دیدارِ ذات میں محو امامِ مبیں
فقیر باصفا فنا فی اللہ بقا با للّٰہ بالیقین
نگاہ نہ ہٹی حق سے کبھی تیری سلطانِ مبیں
بحرِ حقیقت، وجودِ بشر، روحِ رحمانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
3. چہرے پہ ” للّٰہ ” خاص نشانی
لا یحتاج مرتبہ، سر پہ تاجِ سلطانی
مقام ”حریم ذاتِ کبریا” خاص فضلِ رَبَّانی
اذاتم الفقر فھو اللّٰہ ، لازوال زندگانی
محسنِ زمانہ مصطفٰی ثانی مجتبیٰ آخر زمانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
4. آپؒ کی نگاہِ کامل سے ناقصوں کو کمال ملا
ملا سب کو عشق مگر خواص کو مانندِ بلال ملا
صاحبِ قرآن محبوب خدا سے نورِ جمال ملا
جسے زوال نہیں کبھی ایسا آپؒ کو وصال ملا
جان سلطان بہادر شاہؒ ، محبوبِ یزدانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
5. سلطان باھوؒ نے کیا یہ راز فاش سلطان الفقر
غوث و قطب کے سر پہ ہے آپؒ کا قدم سلطان الفقر
ماہ وخورشیدماند آپؒ کے حسن کے سامنے سلطان الفقر
منور ہوئے آپؒ کی نگاہِ کامل سے سیاہ قلوب سلطان الفقر
یار یگانہ، سرِّھُو ، ولادتِ رمضانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علی مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
6. وہ محفلِ عشاق میں آپؒ کا دبے پاؤں آنا
عاشقوں سے نگاہیں ملا کے وہ نگاہوں کا جھکانا
ہلکے سے تبسم سے وہ دِلوں کا گرمانا
دید میں تڑپتی روحوں کو اک نظر سے دیوانہ بنانا
نجیبؔ ہوا انہی اداؤں سے گھائل، دلبرجانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
7. اسمِ اَللّٰہُ ذات ہے پیغام سلطان الفقر کا
بھول نہ جانا یہ کام سلطان الفقر کا
زمانے کو بتلانا ہے ابھی مقام سلطان الفقر کا
دنیا میں پھیلانا ہے ابھی نام سلطان الفقر کا
نجیبؔ کو ہے یہ خاص وصیت اے نوعِ انسانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ رَبَّانی
Explanation (1):
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali (may Allah bless him) is the absolute manifestation of the Divine Essence. Undoubtedly, his physical body possesses the soul of Sultan Bahoo (may Allah bless him). Moreover, due to his highest spiritual rank he is the beloved of al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). Besides, he is the Sultan-ul-Faqr and the source of Divine beneficence for all. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, in fact, holds authority over the treasure of Faqr. Moreover, his status and rank are above all spiritual ranks and stations and he has got the eternal life. In fact, he is Sultan Abdul Aziz’s wish which has come true.
Explanation (2):
Since eternity, he has been stationed at the final level of certainty gained through experience. Besides, he is engrossed in the vision of Divine Essence. Certainly, he is the absolute and perfect Fakir not only annihilated in Allah but also immortal with Him. Further, he is the supreme spiritual guide and an enlightened leader who has always focused upon the Truth. He is an ocean of Reality and the Soul of Divinity possessed by a physical body of human being. Rather, it should be said that he is the perfect and ultimate manifestation of the Divine Essence.
Explanation (3):
His Divine face possesses the significant sign of للّٰہ . In fact, he is the Universal Divine Man (al-Insan al-Kamil) of his time. Hence, he is the Sultan of his era. In Risala Roohi Sharif, Sultan Bahoo says the following about the grandeur of seven Sultan-ul-Faqr souls:
Meaning: They are graced with the blessed cover of (meaning) “When Faqr is accomplished, that is Allah.” Hence, they have got eternal life and are honoured. Moreover, (Allah) exalted them with the crown of “Faqr demands nothing from Allah. Rather from anyone other than Allah.” (Risala Roohi Sharif)
Since Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is the sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr, therefore, he possesses all these ranks and attributes. In fact, by the special grace of Allah, he is stationed in the Divine sanctuary. Said another way, undoubtedly, he is the benefactor of his era. Prophet Mohammad gave the titles of ‘Mustafa Sani’ and ‘Mujtaba Akhir Zamani’ to Sultan Bahoo. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali spread Sultan Bahoo’s teachings of Faqr and his Sarwari Qadri order in this materialistic age. Thus, he has proven that he well deserves these titles being his spiritual as well as genealogical descendant. (To elaborate, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali belonged to the 8th generation of Sultan Bahoo’s progeny).
Explanation (4):
O my beloved spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali! Indeed, your perfect Divine attention elevated many of the imperfect ones to perfection. You blessed all disciples with the Divine love. However, a few special and fortunate ones got it intensely like that of Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him). Further, you received the light of Divine beauty directly from the Holy Prophet. Who not only is the beloved of Allah but also possesses the reality of Quran. Truly, you are blessed with unparalleled union with Allah which has no decline. Not to forget that surely you are the dearest to Sultan Bahadur Ali Shah
Explanation (5):
Sultan Bahoo revealed the highest ranks of Sultan-ul-Faqr souls in Risala Roohi Sharif. Precisely, he said that the Sultan-ul-Faqr souls have their step upon the heads of all the Saints of highest ranks. Indeed, this is perfectly true about Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. O Sultan-ul-Faqr! Surely, the light and beauty of the sun and the moon fades away before your radiant beauty. As your Divine attention enlightened the dark inwards. No doubt! You are the secret of Hoo and the most special friend of Allah. Indeed, blessed is the month of Ramadan in which you were born.
Explanation (6):
You quietly entered the gathering of your seekers and lovers with soft steps. Then you lowered your gaze after looking at them smilingly. Consequently, their hearts filled with warmth and excitement of your captivating smile. Moreover, your one glance made their anxious souls ecstatic, which were longing to see you. O my beloved! I was also mesmerized by your enchanting style and graceful manners
Explanation (7):
O my friends and fellows! Never forget the mission of Sultan-ul-Faqr Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali, which is to spread the message of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Moreover, we have to tell the world about the grand status of our spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Further, his special will to me is to spread the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in the whole world. May Allah bless the sacred soul of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali who is the exact manifestation of the Divine Essence.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman presents salutations and blessings to his spiritual guide in these words:
Salam Bahazoor Sultan-ul-Faqr
صاحبِ مسمّٰی اسمِ ذات، سیّدالکونین، ششم سلطان الفقر کو سلام
جس کی نگاہ سے ہوئے منور قلوب، اس سلطان الفقر کو سلام
جس کے نور سے ناقصوں کو کمال ملا، اس انسانِ کامل کو سلام
جس نے عشق کی مے کو عام کر دیا، اس ساقیٔ زمانہ کو سلام
جسم میں روح جس سے زندہ ہوئی اس طبیبِ باکمال کو سلام
رازِ حقیقت سے آگاہ جس نے کیا، اس بحرِ حقیقت کو سلام
جس نے اس خادم کو محرم راز بنایا اُس صاحبِ مسمّٰی اسمِ ذات کی عنایت کو سلام
نور کی حقیقت جہاں سے ملی للّٰہ کی نشانی والے اس ہادی اکمل کو سلام
سلطان عزیزؒ کے محبوب، روحِ باھوؒ اور شاہِ جیلانیؓ کے مطلوب کو سلام
عطا کیا سرِّھُو جس نے نجیبؔ جیسے بے مایہ و بے نشاں کو اُس امامِ سخاوت کو سلام
I humbly present salutations to my beloved spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali who is the man of Divine Essence. Thus, he is the lord of both the worlds. Moreover, his Divine attention enlightened the dark inwards. Also, the imperfect ones attained perfection and excellence by his light. Blessings upon the Universal Divine Man as he made the wine of Divine love common. I respectfully present salute of honor to my spiritual doctor as he gave life to my soul. In short, he is the ocean of Reality himself and blessed me with the secret of Reality as well.
Furthermore, countless salutations to the kindness of my most beneficent spiritual guide who made me his spiritual confidant. Undoubtedly, I found the reality of light of Allah from him. Also, blessings upon my spiritual guide who possesses the significant sign of للہ. Infinite benedictions for him as he is the beloved of Sultan Abdul Aziz. Further, he is the soul of Sultan Bahoo and the desire of al-Ghawth al-Azam. Truly, it is just his kindness that he chose such an insignificant person like me as his beloved. Then he honored me by granting the secret of Hoo. To conclude, I present humble salutations in the honorable court of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Undoubtedly, he is the leader of all the generous.
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