Only the fortunate seekers of Allah are blessed with the company of the perfect and accomplished spiritual guide. He is the absolute light of guidance. Indeed, his sacred company, teachings, spiritual beneficence and Divine attention sanctify the inward of the seekers. This in turn bestows the seekers with the vision of Allah. Undoubtedly, Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the perfect spiritual guide of this era.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the Perfect Spiritual Guide
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the man of Divine Essence. He is the perfect and accomplished spiritual guide (Murshid Kamil) and the absolute light of guidance. Also, he is the Fakir who is the master of the realms. Moreover, his alchemic sight has no boundaries. His spiritual sight benefits the seekers of Allah equally everywhere. Does not matter, whether the disciples are in his company or in any corner of the world. Additionally, his mere spiritual glance works like a burnisher for rusty souls. It cleans them from the darkness of the world and its love. Indeed, filling it with the light of gnosis of Allah Almighty.

Guidance of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen guides Allah's creation by not only writing and compiling books but also by persuading and instructing his disciples. He guides his disciples both inwardly and outwardly through his words of wisdom. The seekers of Allah assemble in his spiritual gatherings where he quenches their desire of gnosis (Marifa) of Allah. Certainly, he has Divinely-inspired knowledge. Therefore, the disciples in his company collect the precious pearls of gnosis and absorb the Divine knowledge. However, everyone absorbs this knowledge according to his/her capability and get his boundless beneficence.
Since Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's teachings are a reflection of Sultan Bahoo's teachings, they are full of wisdom. Therefore, some disciples make a record of the sultan quotes and sayings to benefit from them in future. On the side bar are some of his quotes that we collected during his company and teachings. Moreover, we extracted some quotes from his various books and classified under different headings. As Sultan ul Ashiqeen has popularised the teachings of his spiritual ancestors such as Sultan Bahu quotes in Urdu and English are both available. Likewise, his own words are also available in both languages on this website for the benefit of seekers of Allah. We are hopeful that the readers will benefit from them now and for times to come.
To know complete teachings of Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, read his books and get beneficence from his Divine company…
Books written by Sultan ul Ashiqeen In Urdu:
Books written by Sultan ul Ashiqeen In English:
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