The Mohammadan Assembly
The secret to human betterment lies in guidance. If one cannot attain guidance in this world or choose the straight path, they will return unsuccessful from this world. On the Day of Judgment, they will have no excuse before Allah. Allah has provided guidance, ensuring people don’t wander aimlessly, follow worldly temptations, or stray onto Satan’s path. The chain of prophethood, with around 124,000 Prophets, exists for guidance, reaching every nation on Earth. They conveyed their message to every individual in their communities and proclaimed the message of truth.
When a Prophet fulfilled their mission, a new Prophet emerged from the same community to maintain continuity. In history, no community was left without a Prophet and their guidance. All Prophets and messengers directed their communities towards Oneness and encouraged a strong connection with Allah. They guided them to the straight path, and prevented them from following Satan.
Those fortunate individuals who paid heed to their call and sought closeness to Allah, the Prophets purified their souls. They led them through the path of truth, and guided them to the path of redemption. This accentuates that gnosis of Allah and seeking His proximity always requires a spiritual guide who is well-acquainted with the challenges and pitfalls of the path to truth.
The Eternal Guidance of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and His Role in Spiritual Purification
Indeed, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is the seal of Prophethood. Now, until the Day of Judgment, the means of guidance for all nations is the blessed being of Prophet Mohammad. He is the guide, and he purifies the self of the seekers of Allah, leading them to Divine closeness and union.
Allah Almighty states in Quran:
Quran is a source of guidance for every individual until the Day of Judgment, and its every command is eternal and everlasting. Now, if Allah Almighty has stated regarding the Holy Prophet that he purifies and teaches the book and wisdom, then it undoubtedly becomes clear that the Holy Prophet is present among us. This is why he purifies the seekers’ souls and leads them on the path of Faqr (Sufism) under his spiritual guidance because he is the guide, and through him, seekers attain guidance.
Sultan Bahoo has stated:
Yearning for a Glimpse of the Holy Prophet
The lovers of Holy Prophet eagerly yearn to catch a glimpse of his blessed countenance. They are restless to illuminate their inwards with the radiant presence of Holy Prophet. Their endeavour is to see the Holy Prophet, even if it is in a dream, for just a moment.
Countless individuals from various walks of life engage in different practices, recite abundant Durood, and supplicate extensively, all in the hope of receiving the grace of seeing the Holy Prophet. Those fortunate souls who are blessed with seeing the Holy Prophet always remain delighted in their good fortune.
Sultan Bahoo said:
Know that Prophet Mohammad is the source of Divine grace and blessings for every individual
(Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalaan)
Sultan bahoo
However, when these fortunate individuals are asked about the appearance of the blessed countenance of Prophet Mohammad, they often struggle to express it in words. Their description is usually that they were in the presence of Holy Prophet. The blessed face radiated such light that nothing else was discernible. They simply felt the presence of Holy Prophet.
On the other hand, some fortunate men and women have the honour of being in Mohammadan Assembly. When they wish, they find themselves in the presence of Prophet Mohammad. Who are these people, how they attained the privilege of attending Mohammadan Assembly, what they witnessed, and how they were treated. We shed light on these questions below.
The Significance of the Mohammadan Assembly for Divine Seekers
The sincere seekers of Allah are blessed with presence in Mohammadan Assembly. Until one has complete faith in the life of the Holy Prophet, they cannot attain gnosis of Allah or His closeness. These blessed individuals, whose purpose in life is to seek the gnosis and closeness of Allah, are neither attached to the world nor do they desire the afterlife. Their every thought revolves around Allah and His beloved – Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
For these Divine seekers, it is inherent to wish that they had been born during the time of the Holy Prophet. They would be counted among his Companions, would have spent time in his blessed presence, served him diligently, benefited from his company to attain closeness to Allah. Upon returning from this world, they would have succeeded in achieving the purpose of their life. This belief and desire of the seekers of Allah ignites the fire of true love and enables them to be granted presence in Mohammadan Assembly
The Mohammadan Assembly is a place where Divine seekers undergo spiritual training. They are guided on the path of spiritual development, their souls are purified, they are elevated in ranks, and they attain excellence in worldly and spiritual knowledge. Here, the souls of all prophets, Companions, and perfect Saints are present.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is the prophet for the whole mankind until the Day of Judgement. No one other than him can purify the self of the seekers. The Divine seekers have a firm belief that this universe can never be void of the blessed being of the Holy Prophet for whom Allah adored this universe.
The Eternal Life of Prophet Mohammad
On the night of Miraj when the Holy Prophet ascended to the heavens, the entire universe came to a standstill. When he returned, time began to move again from that very point. The Divine seekers always consider him as living. They are restless and eager to see his sacred countenance. They never think of him as deceased. In contrast, the ignorant and those with dark inward question the life of the Holy Prophet.
Sultan Bahoo (R.A) stated about the belief in the eternal life of the Holy Prophet:
Those who do not believe in the eternal life of the Holy Prophet cannot be from his umma. They are liars, faithless and hypocrite.
The Holy Prophet said:’ The liar is not from my umma.’
Satan confiscates the faith of those who do not believe in the eternal life of the Holy Prophet.
(Kaleed-e-Tauheed Kalan)
Those who do not have faith in the life of the Prophet show that their faith and belief has been confiscated by Satan.
(Kaleed-e-Tauheed Kalan)
Every person who regards the Prophet as deceased has a dead inward, and Satan has confiscated their faith and belief. (Kaleed-e-Tauheed Kalan)
However, there is also a group that believes in the life of the Prophet but limits it to his blessed tomb in Madina. They hold the belief that the Holy Prophet is a witness to all their actions. But alongside this belief, they also assert that he is alive only in his blessed tomb. They are unaware of the concept of the presence of Mohammadan Assembly. Mohammadan Assembly takes place spiritually as well as physically.
Physical Mohammadan Assembly
The physical Mohammadan Assembly is where the Holy Prophet and all his Companions are present in their physical forms in this world. Sincere seekers and perfect Fakirs experience this through their physical eyes.
Here is an incident of Sultan Bahoo that illustrates the presence of physical Mohammadan Assembly:
One day, while immersed in Divine contemplation, Sultan Bahoo was wandering in Shorkot when suddenly a radiant and majestic figure appeared. This figure, with magnificence and dignity, approached him and in a delightful manner informed him, ’I am Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A). Sultan Bahoo looked at him and was about to bow to his feet. Ali said: ’Son, today you have been invited at the court of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Then, as if time stood still, everything became silent. Sultan Bahoo found himself in the presence of the Holy Prophet. At that moment, in this sublime court, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, Usman ibn Affan and the People of the Cloak were present.
Upon seeing Sultan Bahoo, Abu Bakr Siddiq first stood up. He met Sultan Bahoo and blessed him with his spiritual attention and then respectfully left the gathering. Later, Umar ibn Khattab and Usman ibn Affan also blessed him with their spiritual attention and left the gathering respectfully. Only the People of the Cloak and the Holy Prophet remained in the gathering.
Sultan Bahoo described this extraordinary experience, saying, “I had the feeling that the Holy Prophet would entrust me to Ali for my oath of allegiance. However, he remained silent outwardly. Then the Holy Prophet raised both of his blessed hands toward me and said, ’Hold onto my hands’ and he initiated the bayah with both of his blessed hands.”
All the Veils Lifted When Holy Prophet Inculcated Shahada
Sultan Bahoo further describes the extraordinary experience by saying, ’When the Holy Prophet
once recited shahada, to me, there remained no veils between different spiritual ranks and stations. Everything became equal.
After I received the spiritual beneficence from the Holy Prophet, Fatimah tuz-Zahra (R.A), the Lady of
Paradise, told me, ’You are my son.’
Sultan Bahoo goes on to emphasise that everything he witnessed was seen with his physical eyes
and physical being.
Spiritual Mohammadan Assembly
The spiritual Mohammadan Assembly is where the seekers of Allah, can enter at any time through either meditation or by ilm-e-dawat (a special way of reading litany in order to connect with souls of Prophets and Saints). Through this, they can spiritually benefit from the Holy Prophet as well as see his sacred countenance.
Below is the incident of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman when he, for the first time spiritually entered Mohammadan Assembly:
One night, after offering the Tahajjud prayer, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman was reciting Durood when the spiritual door opened upon him. He found himself spiritually present in Mohammadan Assembly within Masjid al-Nabawi. In that timeless realm, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Hasan ibn Ali, Husayn ibn Ali, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, Usman ibn Affan and the spiritual leaders of all four spiritual orders were present.
As he became aware of the gathering, the awe and majesty of the assembly overwhelmed him. He was on the verge of losing consciousness due to fear. At that moment, Ali ibn Abi Talib (R.A) stepped forward and presented Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman in front of the Holy Prophet.
Ali extended his blessed hand toward Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and introduced him, saying, ’O Prophet! This is Najib-ur-Rehman, your servant. He is the spiritual son of your beloved daughter (Fatimah tuz-Zahra), who has chosen him to be her heir. For this purpose, he has been sent to your blessed court.
Upon hearing this, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman quickly placed his forehead at the blessed feet of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman then heard the Holy Prophet say: Yes, we have received the recommendation and we have accepted it. Now, he is also our spiritual son. (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen)
In addition to spiritually attending Mohammadan Assembly, seekers can also experience Mohammadan Assembly in dream.
The Mohammadan Assembly Part II
The Places Where Mohammadan Assembly Takes Place
- Does the Mohammadan Assembly take place at a specific place?
- What are the locations where it convenes, and how can a person access this sacred assembly?
Just as there is a realm of the physical beings, there is also a realm of the unseen that remains concealed from ordinary human perception. This hidden realm cannot be seen with the naked eye, and ordinary humans cannot access it. The Mohammadan Assembly convenes both in the manifest and hidden realms.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) can be present at any place and time with his spiritual as well as physical being. His sacred assembly can convene anywhere.
Sultan Bahoo says about a perfect spiritual guide:
An accomplished Fakir of Sarwari Qadri order is omnipresent. He possesses the ability to be present at any place and has complete authority over everything.' (Risala Roohi Sharif)
It means that the Mystic (perfect Fakir) is present at all places and has authority over all abilities. If a Mystic and a Perfect (Spiritual Guide can be present at every place, then how it is possible that the Holy Prophet cannot be present everywhere? Infact, after the physical passing of the Holy Prophet, he has gone past human limitations and restrictions, which is why the Mohammadan Assembly continues to exist at all times.
Nine Locations of Mohammadan Assembly
You must know that the special Mohammadan Assembly is held at nine places according to the respective levels and stations. At every station, it is perfect and complete in itself. These stations are:
- The pre-existence
- The eternal end
- At the tomb of the Holy Prophet in Madina
- In the sanctuary of Kaaba or in the plain of Mount Arafat where the prayers ofhajj are accepted
- Above the Throne
- At the station of extreme nearness to Allah (qab qausain)
- In the paradise. If the seeker eats or drinks something from there, he never feelshunger, thirst or the need to sleep in his life again
- At the pond of Kauther in heaven where if the seeker is blessed to have the holybeverage from the hands of the Holy Prophet, his whole being is purified and heacquires the attributes of renunciation of the world and complete trust uponAllah. Then crossing the levels of separation and isolation by the favour of Allah,he reaches the station of Oneness where he is blessed with the Divine company
- At the level of complete immersion in the light of Lordship after having theprivilege of Divine vision.The seeker who annihilates himself, reaches the final level of gnosis, Faqr andimmortality with Allah.
The Sites of Mohammadan Assembly
The Mohammadan Assembly is accessible at seven locations. The first is the station of pre existence. The second is the station of eternal end, and the third is the station of the World. Within the world, it‘s accessible at four locations: one at the sacred precincts of Madina, specifically at the blessed tomb of the Holy Prophet. The second is at the Kaaba. The third is above the two heavens. The fourth is at the deep sea – the ocean of Absolute Oneness, where every wave is unparalleled due to Divine knowledge.
There is also one Mohammadan Assembly that exists beyond any place, indescribable. At all these locations, the recitation of Islamic creed continues.
The seeker, with enlightened inward when wishes to be present in this assembly reaches it inwardly through meditation and invocation of Allah. This method is for beginners. When the inner and outer self merge, the seeker becomes a perfect knower of Allah. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Levels of Spiritual Progression and Knowledge in Seekers
Just as in the worldly hierarchy, not all humans hold the same rank, similarly, every Divine seeker has a unique status and rank. Every Divine seeker benefits from Mohammadan Assembly based on their spiritual rank.
There are four levels of knowledge: the knowledge of sharia, the knowledge of mysticism, the knowledge of reality, and the knowledge of gnosis, At the beginning of embarking on the path of Faqr (Sufism), the seeker remains in the confinement of realme of bodies, where the knowledge of sharia is applied. After purifying the self, the seeker gradually progresses through the stages of spiritual development. The seeker, in the journey from realm of bodies to the realm of metaphorical forms, then to realm of souls, and ultimately to realm of Divine Uniqueness, experiences a transformation.
The path between realm of bodies and realm of metaphorical forms involves following the mysticism between realm of metaphorical forms and realm of souls involves experiencing reality and between realm of souls and realm of Divine Uniqueness involves attaining gnosis. A seeker who has reached a particular rank or level cannot fully comprehend the position and rank of a seeker at a higher level.
Holy Prophet’s Response About Seeing Allah
Because the Mohammadan Assembly is held at various locations, every seeker attends this assembly according to their rank. They benefit from Divine secrets in accordance with their level. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) returned from Miraj, different people in his assembly asked him how he saw Allah. Since various individuals attended the assembly of the Holy Prophet with different levels, he
provided different answers according to their spiritual ranks.
Sultan Bahoo (R.A) mentions this incident as follows:
‘When the Holy Prophet returned from Miraj, the lovers were the first to ask, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Did you see Allah?‘ He replied, ‘Yes.‘
مَنْ رَانِیْ فَقَدْ رَایَ الْحَقَّ
Whoever has seen me has indeed seen the Truth (Divine Essence).
After this, scholars enquired, ‘O Messenger of Allah, did you see Allah? Since Allah has said about the Holy Prophet in Quran:
وَ مَا یَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْھَوٰی
And he does not speak out of his (own) desire.
Therefore, in response to the scholars‘ question, the Holy Prophet said:
Reflect upon His blessings but do not contemplate in His Essence. (Muhabbat al-Asrar)
It means that those scholars of the physical world did not possess the intellectual capacity to comprehend the secrets of the inward. For them, the response of the Holy Prophet was different. This is because they could not bear the burden of the secret that was manifest in the inwards of Divine lovers.
The Role of Murshid in Attaining Presence in Mohammadan Assembly
What could the imprisoned seeker of the physical world know about the secrets of Divine knowledge! Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo (R.A) remarks about this:
A person who is at the level of sharia does not know what it’s like to be in Mohammadan Assembly at the level of mysticism. The one who is at mysticism does not know the realities and states of being in Mohammadan Assembly at the level of gnosis.
And the one who is at the level of gnosis does not know the realities of being in Mohammadan Assembly at the station of Ishq. But the perfect Fakir who has attained presence in the Mohammadan Assembly at the station of Faqr, knows and recognises all the stations of the Mohammadan Assembly and those who are present in them.
Can seekers of Divine path attain inward enlightenment and presence in Mohammadan Assembly through extensive study, asceticism, rituals, or outward worship?
By means of knowledge alone, seekers cannot attain any spiritual rank, nor can they truly comprehend these levels. In fact, excessive learning without the guidance of a perfect spiritual guide can lead seekers astray, and it can foster arrogance due to their increased knowledge. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: Knowledge is the greatest veil.
Progressing on the journey of self-realisation is about eliminating the veils of the self. Extensive study and knowledge can make the self more arrogant. Instead of getting closer to Allah, the seeker goes astray. However, the company of a perfect spiritual guide not only blesses sincere seekers with purgation of the self but they are also blessed with inspired knowledge. This knowledge not only blesses them with Divine secrets but also brings them closer to Allah.
Humility and Divine Wisdom is the Essence of Faqr
Sultan Bahoo (R.A) states:
Understand that learning the jurisprudence, laws, and Arabic language makes the self arrogant and it leads to fame and reputation among people, which breeds arrogance within. Such a person becomes more presentable and likable in the eyes of the world, leading to increased self-conceit.
On the other hand, learning Sufism, the Oneness of Allah and Divine gnosis makes the self to feel ashamed. Through the practice of silent invocation (remembering Allah through breaths), it is as if the self eats its own flesh, and due to the fear of Allah, it wails to the extent that it becomes hollow. This hidden and sincere asceticism makes the self weak, eventually leading to its annihilation in Allah.
This is the knowledge of Sufism, which is obligatory to learn, and it is the Sunna of the Prophets. Through it, humans reach the ranks of the Saints and enter the Mohammadan Assembly. If a scholar, who had acquired all the knowledge and had been studying throughout their life, have not learned this knowledge of Sufism, they will never be free from blackness, impurities, love of the world, and dangers. These attributes will persist until the self is cleansed through Faqr. (Kaleed-e-Tauheed Kalan)
Through outward worship and recitations, a seeker cannot attain the presence in Mohammadan Assembly, no matter how much they engage in acts of worship day and night, unless they have the guidance, training, and supervision of a perfect spiritual guide.
باجھوں مرشد کجھ نہ حاصل، توڑے راتیں جاگ
پڑھیوے ھوُ
Sultan Bahoo
Explanation: Without the spiritual supervision and blessing of a Murshid nothing can be achieved. No matter how hard one strives or spends their night awake worshiping.
Gaining the Privilege of Seeing Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Many people who engage in worship regularly, especially those who perform specific litanies to see Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in dream, often experience the privilege of seeing him in their dreams. However, due to the intense radiance on his blessed countenance, they cannot directly see his blessed face but only hear his blessed voice. Attaining the presence of Mohammadan Assembly in reality is very difficult.
Reaching the stage of self-purification is crucial for beholding the luminous countenance of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and gaining the honour of being in Mohammadan Assembly. The purer the inward, the brighter the mirror of the inward becomes. This not only results in seeing the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in dreams but also attaining the honour of physically being in the presence of Mohammadan Assembly.
It is narrated by Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet said: Whoever has seen me in a dream will certainly see me when awake. (Sahih Muslim 5920)
Supervision of A Murshid is Imperative
For the purification of the self, the companionship and guidance of a perfect spiritual guide is extremely crucial. Only a perfect spiritual guide who himself has attained the presence of Mohammadan Assembly (Majlis-e-Mohammadi) can guide a seeker to reach that assembly through spiritual training.
Sultan Bahoo (R.A) stated:
Know that the accomplished Murshid is the one who through the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat (Allah’s personal name) takes his disciples to the presence of Mohammadan Assembly. Have no doubt about it because whoever doubts, becomes a disbeliever. The perfect Murshid, in just a blink of an eye, can take the disciple to Mohammadan Assembly. (Mohabbat-ul-Asrar)
One who does not sever his connection with inciting innerself can never attain the levels of innerself at peace. Such a person cannot achieve the honour of being in Mohammadan Assembly. A perfect spiritual guide instructs the seeker from the very beginning to eliminate the self and its desires so that they can meet with the souls of every prophet and saint in Mohammadan Assembly. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Just as a student cannot become well-versed in the knowledge of Quran without a teacher, likewise, a Divine seeker cannot attain Divine gnosis without a Murshid. Nor can they achieve the honour of being in Mohammadan Assembly. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
The Role of Perfect Spiritual Guide
Those who do not benefit from the company of a perfect spiritual guide or deny the need and importance of a Murshid can never attain presence in Mohammadan Assembly nor can see the Holy Prophet. Their inward purification cannot occur, and their inwards cannot be illuminated by Divine light in this world. They remain deprived of spiritual sight and are unaware of Allah‘s gnosis and His Essence.
On the other hand, those seekers who aspire for the presence of Mohammadan Assembly and are connected to a Murshid are blessed with it. This is because a perfect Murshid can elevate a seeker to Mohammadan Assembly on the very first day.
'A perfect Murshid is the one who knows no path other than the gnosis of Shahada and Mohammadan Assembly. A sincere seeker is the one who seeks nothing but gnosis of Shahada and the presence in Mohammadan Assembly.' (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Sultan Bahoo
The Mohammadan Assembly Part III
Presence in Mohammadan Assembly is very elevated rank
It is not an ordinary rank to attain presence in Mohammadan Assembly nor is it within everyone’s reach because not every guide holds this station. In fact, many pseudo spiritual guides are unfamiliar with this sacred assembly themselves. How can they guide their disciples to reach this station!
Sultan Bahoo states:
آپ نہ طالب ہین کہیں دے، لوکاں نوں طالب کردے ھوُ
Meaning: The so-called spiritual guides have no clue of the inner path yet they claim to guide seekers on this path.
Only that spiritual guide can guide his disciples to Mohammadan Assembly who himself has been blessed with this rank and inwardly always remains in this sacred assembly. He may appear to be among the common people outwardly but inwardly, he is always present in Mohammadan Assembly.
Such a perfect guide is at the rank of annihilation in the Holy Prophet, annihilation in Allah and immortal with Allah. Therefore, he is not separated from Mohammadan Assembly even for a moment.In this regard Sultan Bahoo says:
A perfect Fakir is the one who is always accepted in the court of Allah, remains perpetually present in Mohammadan Assembly and is never separated or distant from it even for a moment. Although he may be outwardly in the company of common people, inwardly, he is with Prophet Mohammad. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
The morale of a perfect Fakir is high because he is always present in Mohammadan Assembly. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Perfect Spiritual Guide Ever Remains in Mohammadan Assembly
The possessor of light is the one in whom light radiates from head to toe, and undesirable matters do not manifest from him. He is perpetually accepted in the court of Allah and always remains present in Mohammadan Assembly. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Know that for the perfect ones, Mohammadan Assembly is present everywhere like the sun. The seeker in this assembly is like a particle, for a particle cannot separate from the sun but derives its brightness from the sun. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
A spiritual guide has two ranks: Outwardly, he strictly follows sharia and inwardly he is always present in Mohammadan Assembly. Outwardly, he engages the seekers in the invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat while inwardly he takes them to Mohammadan Assembly. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Saint is that who always remains in the sight of Allah and in Mohammadan Assembly. His inward is purified with the invocation of Allah. He meets with the souls of every Prophet and Saint in the assembly of Prophets and Saints. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Rank of Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guides Elevates Perpetually
The perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri ever remains in Mohammadan Assembly. His rank continues to elevate with each passing moment because he is at the station of annihilation and immortality with Allah. Since the Divine Essence is limitless, the journey of a perfect spiritual guide in Allah is also boundless, progressing continually and raising the perfect Fakir to even greater heights.
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo states:
Some Fakirs remain fixated at the station of presence in Mohammadan Assembly. But I am progressing day by day, and my rank is increasing hour by hour. Insha Allah, this will continue to be so, as this is the command of the Holy Prophet. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Progressing day by day in ranks is the hallmark of a perfect Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guide. Whereas merely attaining access to Mohammadan Assembly is the rank of the disciples of such spiritual guide.
Recognising a Perfect Spiritual Guide
How can one recognise a spiritual guide who can bless a seeker with the presence of Mohammadan Assembly? Every command of a perfect spiritual guide is based on Quran and Hadith. His every action is according to sharia. His every word reflects Divine love.
Positive transformations occur within the disciples under the guidance of perfect spiritual guide. The seekers transform from seekers of the world to Divine seekers, finding a purpose in life. The teachings of the perfect spiritual guide reveal inspired knowledge upon the seeker. Love of Allah and the Holy Prophet fill their inwards. They inwardly detach themselves from everything other than Allah.
Sultan Bahoo states:
How can one recognise perfect Fakir who is ever present in Mohammadan Assembly? The sign of presence in Mohammadan Assembly is that whatever word he speaks is related to the knowledge of Divine Oneness and is in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence, Quran and Hadith. (Kaleed-ul- Tauheed Kalan)Anyone other than perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide who claims to guide seekers to Mohammadan Assembly is merely making empty claims. It is essential to always stay away from such so-called guides because neither their oath of allegiance is valid nor can one receive spiritual blessings from them. In fact, they often lead the seekers astray.
Sultan Bahoo states:
Those spiritual guides who cannot lead their disciples to Mohammadan Assembly are imperfect and know nothing about the Sarwari Qadri way and its higher ranks. It is forbidden to seek guidance from such imperfect guides. Only by receiving guidance from an accomplished Sarwari Qadri guide can one attain spiritual beneficence. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
The Beneficence of Mohammadan Assembly
Despite being the beloved of Allah, the Holy Prophet did not take pride in any attribute or gift. However, he expressed pride over Faqr (Sufism).
This is conveyed in the blessed Hadith:
.اَلْفَقْرُ فَخْرِیْ وَ الْفَقْرُ مِنِّیْ
The reason for expressing pride in Faqr is evident from the saying of Sultan Bahoo: Faqr is in fact the Divine Essence. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Only the path of Faqr bestows the gnosis of Allah, proximity, and Divine union. Only the seeker of this path can attain Divine vision and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. This is why all the prophets prayed to be included in the umma of Prophet Mohammad.
The blessings of Faqr are exclusively found in Sarwari Qadri order as the perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide is always present in Mohammadan Assembly and has complete authority in guiding his disciples to this sacred Assembly.
A spiritual guide and disciple from any other Sufi order cannot reach Mohammadan Assembly or attain the status of Sarwari Qadri. Where the other Sufi orders end, the journey of the Sarwari Qadri disciple begins.
Sultan Bahoo states:
Faqr is always in the sight of Allah and ever remains in Mohammadan Assembly. Only the one whom the Holy Prophet himself inculcates in his sacred Assembly and blesses through oath of allegiance reaches the levels of Faqr. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
The Exclusivity and Eminence of Sarwari Qadri Order
Know that the grace of Divine presence, gnosis, immersion in Divine light, and presence in Mohammadan Assembly is exclusively in the Qadri order. It will continue to flow from inward to inward and gaze to gaze like the ocean until the Day of Judgment. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Understand that the Qadri order is dominant over all other Sufi orders, because the beginning of a Qadri is beyond the finality of other orders. In the Qadri order, on the very first day one is blessed with presence in the Mohammadan Assembly through spiritual persuasion. (Ganj-ul-Asrar)
The culmination of every other Sufi order cannot reach the beginning of a perfect Sarwari Qadri disciple. What is the beginning of a perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide? Perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide, through his inner attention, contemplation, or invocation, immerses the seeker in the light of Divine gnosis and takes them to Mohammadan Assembly. This is the first lesson of perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide. One who does not teaches this lesson and does not take the disciple to Mohammadan Assembly is not a perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Sarwari Qadri is the spiritual path through which this humble being (Sultan Bahoo) attained presence in Mohammadan Assembly. He blessed me with his oath of allegiance and smilingly encouraged to strive in guiding mankind towards righteous path. After this instruction, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) entrusted this Fakir to Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani also blessed me and ordered me to guide mankind towards Allah. Following that, with the grace of his benevolent gaze, every disciple I inculcated, outwardly or inwardly through Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Muhammad took them to Mohammadan Assembly without requiring them to engage in the recitation and struggles. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Asceticism, Spiritual guide and the Path to Inner Enlightenment
Most people practice asceticism and seclusion without the supervision of a spiritual guide. They lead lives of solitude, renouncing the world, leaving behind all forms of work, business and choosing to dwell in deserts, wilderness, or jungles. They remain hungry and thirsty to control their desires, staying awake throughout the night for extra prayers or read litanies. Sometimes they go to such lengths to oppose their desires that they abstain from anything their self wish for.
Through strict asceticism they weaken their self to such an extent that they experience inner enlightenment and an awareness of past and future events through revelation. They may even reach the doorsteps of Mohammadan Assembly but they cannot enter it because entry into this sacred assembly is allowed only by the mercy of the Holy Prophet. Only an accomplished spiritual guide can
take his disciples into this sacred assembly.
The perfect Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide on the very first day grants the seeker invocation of Sultan-ul-Azkar “Hoo” the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and the inscribing practice. Once the disciple progresses spiritually, he also grants him / her Ism-e-Mohammad. It is through Ism-e-Allah Zaat that the self cleanses and the soul enlightens. With the benevolent gaze of the spiritual guide, the inner realm is unveiled upon the seeker.
Sultan Bahoo says:
To enter Mohammadan Assembly inwardly and to meet the souls of the Prophets is possible through Ism-e-Allah Zaat. One can only benefit from Ism-e-Allah Zaat with the spiritual attention and company of a perfect spiritual guide. What do those with darkened inward know about this path? (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Guides His Disciples to Mohammadan Assembly
The beneficence of Ism-e-Mohammad fills one’s being from head to toe with Mohammadan light. This leads to enlightenment of the inward and the seeker is blessed with permanent presence in Mohammadan Assembly. (Kaleed-tu-Tauheed Kalan)
In the present era, the perfect spiritual guide is Sultan-ul Ashiqeen Sultan Muhammad Najib-ur-Rehman. He is the 31st Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order. He has been selected by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and is entrusted with spreading the beneficence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad.
The beneficence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad was never as widespread before as it has become today through the efforts of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has spread the blessings and benefits of the Ism-e-Azam far and wide. People were previously unaware that the presence in Mohammadan Assembly and Divine gnosis was only possible through Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen not only informed the common people about the blessings and benefits of Ism-e- Allah Zaat but on the first day of pledging allegiance grants the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, invocation of Sultan-ul-Azkar and the practice of inscribing it on the body.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for the first time made common Ism-e-Mohammad. Through his grace, countless disciples have become blessed with presence in Mohammadan Assembly and have also attained Divine gnosis. Below, we mention some disciples of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen who have been blessed with presence in Mohammadan Assembly through Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen‘s spiritual attention:
Observations of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Disciples
Irshad Ahmed Sarwari Qadri
Sultan Mohammad Nasir Hameed was present in the court of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Besides him, Irshad Ahmed Sarwari Qadri (late) and some other disciples were also present. Suddenly, Irshad Ahmed started trembling all over, and sweat appeared on his forehead. He continued to shiver for quite some time. Apart from Sultan Mohammad Nasir Hameed, other attendees also witnessed this state of Irshad Ahmed.
When Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen began to leave the gathering, he said to Irshad Ahmed, “When you see something, do not be afraid.“ After Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen left, Sultan Mohammad Nasir Hameed asked Irshad Ahmed about the whole incident. He explained that he saw that the Mohammadan Assembly was taking place where all the honourable Prophets and Companions were present. Our spiritual guide (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen) was sitting on a throne, presiding over the gathering. (Sultan-ul- Ashiqeen)
Sultan Hafiz Mohammad Nasir Majeed
Sultan Hafiz Mohammad Nasir Majeed, while intending to enter Mohammadan Assembly, engaged in contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad. During this meditation, he found himself in an ancient-style mansion with a large green door. Inspiration came to his inward that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is present here. Sultan Hafiz Mohammad Nasir Majeed entered to see the Holy Prophet and there, in front of him, was a pulpit where Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was present, smiling while looking towards Sultan Hafiz Mohammad Nasir Majeed. (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen)
Mohammad Moghees Afzal Sarwari Qadri
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen granted Ilm-e-Dawat to Mohammad Moghees Afzal Sarwari Qadri. On the very first day of reading Ilm-e-Dawat, he was blessed with presence in Mohammadan Assembly. Spiritually, he saw that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Muhammad Najib-ur-Rehman took him to a place. Upon reaching a door, he asked Moghees Afzal, “Open this door.“ When Moghees Afzal Sarwari Qadri opened the door, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said, “This is the Mohammadan Assembly.“ Upon this blessing from Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, tears flowed from his eyes. (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen)
Countless miracles of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman have been mentioned in the book “Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Through the perfect gaze and grace of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, numerous men and women have been blessed with both the physical and spiritual presence in Mohammadan Assembly.
The Mohammadan Assembly – Part IV
Every seeker comes across different observations and spiritual experiences when present in Mohammadan Assembly according to their desire. Some are invited in this sacred assembly for spiritual allegiance, while others are bestowed with elevated spiritual ranks. There are some who attend this sacred assembly with the desire of Divine vision while others with some personal desires.
Some learn Quran and Hadith from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) while others quench the thirst of their souls by witnessing the blessed and luminous countenance of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Some are entrusted with the responsibility of fulfilling specific tasks according to their abilities. Everyone is rewarded according to their desires.
Sultan Bahoo (R.A) states:
The real Mohammadan Assembly is where the remembrance of Allah, Islamic Creed and salutations upon the Holy Prophet always goes on. The desire to see the blessed countenance of Prophet Mohammad is fulfilled by being present in this sacred assembly. Here, the Mystic annihilated in Allah reaches the truth of certainty. He receives answers to his questions directly from the Holy Prophet and this is not a delusion.” (Noor ul Huda Kalan)
A Seeker Receives Blessings from Rashidun Caliphs
A Divine seeker can only be successful when noble qualities are developed within him. His virtues should overcome his vices, and his merits should prevail over his flaws, leading him to be accepted in the court of Allah. A perfect spiritual guide trains a seeker with this purpose in mind. Some apparent training is conducted in the spiritual guide’s supervision while the rest in Mohammadan Assembly.
As Sultan Bahoo says:
Every seeker that enters Mohammadan Assembly, his existence is influenced by the spiritual gaze of four personalities. The gaze of Abu Bakr Siddiq creates sincerity in the seeker’s being. Falsehood and hypocrisy vanish from his existence. The gaze of Umar ibn Khattab brings justice and self- accountability to the seeker’s being. His being gets rid of dangers (of Satan) and sensual desires completely. The gaze of Usman ibn Affan cultivates manners and modesty in the seeker’s being. Rudeness and immodesty vanish from his being. The gaze of Ali ibn Abi Talib brings knowledge, guidance, and Faqr to the seeker’s being. He gets rid of ignorance and love of the world.
After that, the seeker becomes eligible for the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). The Holy Prophet takes his oath of allegiance. Then the Holy Prophet takes him to the ultimate level of “La takhaf wa la tahzan” (Do not feel afraid or grieved – [29: 33]).
The spiritual guide who does not take a sincere seeker of Allah to Mohammadan Assembly on the very first day and does not bless him with blessings from the four Rashidun Caliphs. The Holy Prophet does not take his oath of allegiance. And the spiritual guide does not bless the seeker with the rank of Sainthood through Ism-e-Allah Zaat, cannot be called a true spiritual guide. (Kaleed-e- Tauheed Klaan)
Mohammadan Assembly is a Testding Text Here
If a seeker has love for the world within him or asks about worldly matters in Mohammadan Assembly either for himself or for someone else then such an action may render the seeker rejected and repelled from this sacred assembly. All his spiritual ranks can also be taken away because those who have become perfect or are sincere in the desire for Allah, remain content in the will of Allah.
They neither seek spiritual progress nor express any personal issues, even if they are related to the inner self.
As Sultan Bahoo says:
Understand that a seeker who remains present in Mohammadan Assembly, if he requests the Holy Prophet about some religious or worldly task, the Holy Prophet orders for that task to be done and also prays for the seeker along with his Companions. If despite all this, if that task does not materialise outwardly, what wisdom is there in it? The seeker should know that he has not yet reached the level of perfection and is still progressing. He is still at the level of seeking. Therefore, in response to his request, better alternatives are granted to him, which brings him happiness. Congratulations to him on this rank and nearness to Allah!
If the seeker is ignorant or is inclined towards the material world and he seeks worldly desires in this sacred assembly, such an unworthy seeker is expelled from this assembly or his higher ranks are taken away. When a seeker’s outward and inward beings become one, then he steps into a position where his ranks surpass those achieved through ordinary progress. When one reaches the station of Oneness (Tauheed) the door to Mohammadan Assembly opens up upon him. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Presence in Mohammadan Assembly Affirms Belief
One objective of presenting a seeker in Mohammadan Assembly is to bring the seeker to the state of truth of certainty (Haq-ul-Yaqeen). It is also crucial for the seeker to be fully convinced that the Holy Prophet nurtured him in the same manner as he trained his Companions in his physical life. Thus, on the Day of Judgment, the seeker may not say, had he been born during the time of Prophet Mohammad he would have been successful. Undoubtedly, Prophet Mohammad himself would continue to train seekers of Allah until the Day of Judgment.
Sultan Bahoo states:
The Mohammadan Assembly is like a testing ground. The sincere seekers upon seeing the sacred countenance of Prophet Mohammad attain all their desires. They adopt trust in Allah and renounce the world (inwardly) and respectfully remain present in Mohammadan Assembly with unwavering faith. On the other hand, some deceitful seekers who enter Mohammadan Assembly, despite hearing the Hadith and other invocations do not believe in it due to the hypocrisy within their inwards. Opting for the path of denial, they fall from the esteemed position and become rejected and apostate. May Allah protect us from such a fate. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Levels of Mohammadan Assembly
There are many levels of presence in Mohammadan Assembly. One such level is where outwardly, Prophet Mohammad engages in conversation with ordinary people with his physical being and inwardly, he converses with the people spiritually. When Prophet Mohammad moves both his lips, those immersed in reality are filled with awe and amazement. The ordinary people think that he is conversing with them, while the spiritually attuned understand that he is in conversation with them but in reality the Holy Prophet converses with Allah. Prophet Mohammad has annihilated his self, causing distress to Satan. On this basis Bayazid Bastami said, “I remained in conversation with Allah for thirty years. The ordinary people continued to think that I was in conversation with them, while the spiritual ones believed I was in conversation with them.” (Kaleed-e-Tauheed Klaan)
Real Follower of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Prophet Mohammad is the Seal of the Prophets. There will be no prophet after him until the Day of Judgment. Therefore, from the time of Prophet Mohammad until the Day of Judgment, all human beings born are included in his umma. He expressed joy at the multitude of his umma compared to ummas of other prophets. He also assured that the members of his umma would not go to Hell. However, merely being born into a Muslim household is not sufficient for salvation in the hereafter. It is not as simple as just being born into a Muslim family.
Success lies solely and exclusively in following the Holy Prophet Muhammad (outwardly and inwardly). One can rightfully be called a true follower when they follow the Sunna and embody the pure character portrayed in the blessed life of the Holy Prophet. On the other hand, Prophet Mohammad has excluded many individuals from his umma, as he stated:
- The one who commits fraud is not among my umma.
- The liar is not among my umma.
- The one who does not practice my Sunna in marriage is not of me.
These statements emphasise that adherence to the Prophet’s teachings is the key to success, and
those who deviate from these principles are not from his umma.
Perfect Spiritual Guide is Accepted in the Court of Allah and Prophet Mohammad
There are numerous other things that the Holy Prophet prohibited. If we still commit these forbidden acts can we claim to be part of the umma? The true followers were those who remained revoted to obeying Prophet Mohammad day and night, constantly striving to please him, fearing his displeasure, cooling their eyes with his vision, benefiting from his words, and finding joy in his company. They adhered to his traditions and teachings. If the prophethood and message of Prophet Mohammad is for everyone until the Day of Judgement, then we too can benefit in the same way as the noble Companions. For this, it is essential to reach the Mohammadan Assembly.
Sultan Bahoo states:
Special are those who by gradually following the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad reach Mohammadan Assembly and Prophet Mohammad himself calls them his special followers. It astonishes me how some individuals, deprived of the spiritual path themselves cannot attain this elevated rank. However, if someone reaches this sacred assembly, those envious individuals cannot
tolerate it. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
He further states:
Know that those who follow are called the followers. To follow means to walk in the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad and reach his sacred assembly. I am astonished at those people who do not know about the path of Divine presence and do not seek it from the Mystic annihilated in Allah due to their arrogance and desires of the self. The envious ones due to their jealousy cannot recognise
those who reach Mohammadan Assembly. They are completely ignorant and like animals. Those who are not accepted in the court of Prophet Mohammad how can they be the believers, Fakirs and scholars and how can the umma follow them? (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Obeying Prophet Mohammad is Obeying Allah
The observance of Sharia means that day and night, continuously following the path of Prophet Mohammad and reaching the Mohammadan Assembly. In this assembly, one learns the knowledge of Quran and Hadith directly from Prophet Mohammad who is present in both the worlds. This reality of Sharia is obtained through Divine grace. Anyone who denies Mohammadan Assembly and
keeps the knowledge of Divine gnosis hidden is a disbeliever and heretic. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
The righteous path is following the Holy Prophet. Whoever does not follow Prophet Mohammad is astray. Genuine adherence means that the seeker considers Divine love obligatory (Fardh) and renunciation of the world as Sunna. (Mohkim-ul-Fuqara)
The follower of Prophet Mohammad is the one that remains vigilant about following Prophet Mohammad. (Mohkim-ul-Fuqara)
Allah Almighty has conditioned His obedience with the obedience to the Prophet and has guided:
Meaning: Whoever obeys the Messenger (pbuh) obeys (but) Allah indeed. (4: 80)
If someone does not obey the Prophet, how can they please Allah? Complete obedience to the Prophet involves reaching the Mohammadan Assembly, cleansing one’s self through Holy Prophet’s perfect spiritual gaze and attaining closeness and union with Allah.
Sultan Bahoo says:
The status that Prophet Mohammad reached, if someone does not reach that level, then how can they be considered part of his umma? It is astonishing that everyone talks about Holy Prophet’s obedience, yet they do not act on it. They believe that following is only achieved through talk and not by walking the path. It is regrettable for those unaware individuals who, due to their lack of determination, remain distant from Sunna. If someone follows it, others cannot bear to see them due to jealousy.” (Mohkim-ul-Fuqara)
Who is Deprived of Mohammadan Assembly?
People who are attached to the material world, whose hearts are filled with love of the world and wealth. Those who are followers of carnal desires, dominated by lust, afflicted with spiritual diseases, not practicing Sharia, lacking the love of Prophet Mohammad. Those who oppose the Saints or harbour hatred against them, those who do not believe in the eternal life of the Prophet – how can they benefit from his sacred assembly?
They are not even worthy of being granted the privilege of seeing Holy Prophet in dream.
Sultan Bahoo Says:
;Know that seven types of people are deprived of Mohammadan Assembly:
- the first, one who abandons prayer;
- the second, one who abandons congregational prayer;
- the third, one who drinks
alcohol; - the fourth, one who fabricates heresy;
- the fifth, an enemy of scholars who act upon their knowledge;
- the sixth, an enemy of perfect Fakir (Saint);
- the seventh, those men and women who are obsessed with beauty. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)“
The Mohammadan Assembly is like a mirror. One who sees Prophet Mohammad and sees him with correct belief and expresses gratitude for being honoured with this blessing, his soul becomes pure, and his inward enlightens. His soul engages in the remembrance of Allah Almighty. However, one who sees Prophet Mohammad but does not hold correct belief becomes an apostate and rejected. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Love of Prophet Mohammad needs to be above everything else
Until one’s love for Prophet Mohammad surpasses all other loves, neither is faith complete nor is religion perfected. Prophet Mohammad himself said:
لَا یُؤْمِنُ اَحَدُکُمْ حَتّٰی اَکُوْنَ اَحَبَّ اِلَیْہِ مِنْ وَالِدِہٖ وَ وَلَدِہٖ وَ النَّاسِ اَجْمَعِیْنَ
“None of you becomes true believer until I am dearer to him than his parents, children, and all of the mankind.”(Sahih Bukhari – 15)
However, until the blessed personality of Prophet Mohammad is not in front of you, his complete obedience cannot be achieved, nor can an intense love for him develop. Because loving someone is impossible when you have not had the opportunity to know them closely, are not familiar with their attributes and excellences, have not spent time with them, and have not benefited from their company.
This is why Allama Iqbal remarked:
بمصطفیٰؐ برساں خویش را کہ دین ہمہ اوست
ہر کہ بہ او نرسیدی تمام بولہبی است
Ba Mustafa Barasaan Khaweesh Ra Ke Deen Hama Aost
Har Ke Ba Oo Na Raseedi Tamaam Boo Lahbi Ast
Take yourself to Mohammadan (Mohammadan Assembly) as only the Holy Prophet is the perfect faith. If you do not reach him, then your religion is mere idol-worship.
The Mohammadan Assembly – Part V
Can Satan assume the form of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)?
People often ask the question: What are the signs of being present in Mohammadan Assembly? That is, how can they know that they have truly reached this sacred assembly? This is because many people also become victims of satanic deception. The Holy Prophet is the source of all guidance. Therefore, Satan cannot assume the blessed form of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said:
Whoever has seen me has indeed seen the truth, for Satan cannot take on my form nor the form of the Kaaba. That is, whoever has seen me in a dream has truly seen me, because Satan does not have the power to assume my form or the form of a perfect Shaikh. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan, Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Sultan Bahoo (RA) said:
Satan does not have the ability to assume certain forms: the form of Allah, the form of Prophet Mohammad, the form of the sun, the moon, the form of Madinah, the form of sacred tomb of Prophet Mohammad, the form of the Kaaba and the form of Quran. All these forms are guiding forms, and Satan cannot assume the form of guidance and righteousness. Satan and his path are false and can never reach the truth. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
The Blessed Attire of Prophet Mohammad
Those who attain presence in Mohammadan Assembly describe the blessed attire of Prophet Mohammad in various ways. It becomes evident that the presence of Prophet Mohammad is not confined to a single appearance; rather, he appears to different seekers in different attire and form.
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) states:
Seeing the Holy Prophet in various forms is possible based on the capacity of the seeker. No one can perceive Mohammadan reality except the one who is accomplished both in outward and inward states of knowledge, sunna, spiritual sight and prayer. (Sirr al-Asrar)
Syed Abdul Karim bin Ibrahim al-Jili writes in his book “Insan-e-Kamil” (The Perfect Man):
Prophet Mohammad possesses the ability to appear in every form. It has been the tradition of the Holy Prophet that he always appears in the form of the Insan al-Kamil of each era, so that his status remains elevated, and the connection between him and the people of that era is correctly established. Outwardly, they are the deputy of the Holy Prophet while inwardly they manifest Mohammadan reality. (Insan-e-Kamil, Page 389)
Appearance of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Sultan Bahoo has also described the blessed attire of Prophet Mohammad in his book “Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan” He states:
The colour of Holy Prophet’s blessed body was wheatish-white, his forehead was wide, blessed teeth were visible, his blessed nose was prominent, his eyes were black, he had an enchanting face, a thick and blessed beard, long blessed hands, and slender blessed fingers. His body did not have hair except for a line from the chest to the navel, while there was the Seal of Prophethood on his blessed back.
Therefore, anyone who denies the vision of Prophet Mohammad according to this blessed attire, in reality, denies the blessed hadiths of Prophet Mohammad. And anyone who denies the blessed hadiths has indeed denied Prophet Mohammad. Certainly, such a person has committed infidelity. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
In the books of Hadith, there are numerous narrations describing the blessed countenance of Prophet Mohammad. Here are some attributes:
Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)) narrated that the beloved Prophet had a radiant and round face, similar to the full moon. (Al-Wafa)
Al-Bara ibn Azib (RA) reported that someone inquired, “Was the face of the Messenger of Allah like the blade of a sword (long and narrow)?” He replied, “No, but it was round and radiant like the moon.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 3552)
Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) mentioned, “The head of the Holy Prophet had a balanced and significant proportion.” (Musnad Ahmad 1300)
He further described, “The Holy Prophet had a large head and sturdy (strong) joints.” (Tirmidhi 3637)
It is narrated by Anas bin Malik (RA), “The hair of the Holy Prophet was neither completely straight nor entirely curly; rather, it had a middle quality.” (Sahih Muslim 6067)
Aisha bint Abi Bakr (RA) reported, “The hair of the Holy Prophet was less than an arm’s span in length and more than a finger’s span (i.e. it reached between the earlobes and shoulders).” (Tirmidhi 1755, Abu Dawood 4187, Ibn Majah 3635)
The distance between both eyebrows of the Holy Prophet was very close. It was estimated by observing the radiance of his blessed face, otherwise, in normal circumstances, it seemed as if there was no distance between them at all, as mentioned by Hazrat Ali:
“The eyebrows of the Messenger of Allah were connected with each other.” (Ibn Asakir, Hakim, Ibn Saad)
Husayn ibn Ali (RA) narrates, “The blessed forehead of the Holy Prophet was broad.” (Al-Wafa, Tirmidhi, Tabarani, Bayhaqi, Siyuti)
Hazrat Ali reported, “The eyes of the Holy Prophet were wide and bright.” (Bayhaqi, Ibn Saad)
Jabir bin Samurah (RA) narrated, “The blessed eyes of the Prophet had red lines.” (Muslim 6070)
Hazrat Ali mentioned, “The blessed nose of the Holy Prophet was beautiful and proportionate, finely shaped.” (Suyuti)
Hind bin Abi Hala (RA) narrated, “The blessed face of the Holy Prophet was smooth.” (Tirmidhi, Siyuti, Bayhaqi, Tabari)
Abu Huraira (RA) reported, “The blessed face of the Holy Prophet was extremely white.” (Tabarani 18655)
The blessed mouth of the Holy Prophet was spacious, well-proportioned, and large but perfectly balanced.
Hazrat Jabir (RA) reported, “The blessed mouth of the Messenger of Allah was spacious (but in an extremely suitable manner).” (Musnad Ahmad 21297)
Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrated, “The front two teeth of the Holy Prophet were wide. When he spoke, it seemed as if light was emanating from his two teeth.” (Mishkat al-Masabih 5797)
During the sermon of the Farewell Pilgrimage, there were around a hundred thousand Companions present. On this grand occasion, when Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) delivered his address, every person in the gathering heard it. Abdul Rahman bin Muaz Tamimi (RA) stated, “We were each at our respective places, listening to the sermon of the Holy Prophet, in which he was imparting the teachings of the rituals of Hajj.” (Abu Dawood 1957)
Hazrat Ali narrated, “The Holy Prophet had a large head and a dense beard, all in moderation.” (Musnad Ahmad 947)
Abdullah bin Amr bin al-As (RA) reported, “The blessed beard of the Holy Prophet was trimmed equally in length and width.” (Tirmidhi 2762)
Aisha bint Abi Bakr mentioned, “The Holy Prophet’s two white ears, between the black locks, looked like two shining stars in the darkness.” (Ibn Asakir, Ibn Kathir)
Umm Ma’bad (RA) stated, “The blessed neck of the Holy Prophet was moderately long.” (Al-Mustadrak)
Abu Huraira (RA) mentioned the strong and broad shoulders of the Holy Prophet saying, “The Prophet’s shoulder joints were strong and large.” (Bayhaqi, Siyuti, Ibn Kathir)
Hind bint Abi Hala (RA) reported, “The Holy Prophet’s blessed arms and forearms were well-built and perfectly shaped.” (Tabarani, Bayhaqi)
Hazrat Anas (RA) narrated, “I have not touched any silk or brocade softer than the blessed hands of the Holy Prophet Mohammad.” (Muslim 6054)
Hind bint Abi Hala narrated, “The blessed fingers of the Holy Prophet were long and beautiful.” (Tabarani, Bayhaqi, Siyuti)
Hazrat Ali reported that the Holy Prophet had full and well-shaped palms and feet. (Musnad Ahmad 684, 947, 1300)
Hazrat Anas also mentioned, “The palms of Holy Prophet were broad.” (Bukhari 5907)
Hazrat Ali conveyed that the chest of the Holy Prophet had a long strand of hair extending from the chest to the navel. (Tirmidhi 3637, Musnad Ahmad 947)
Hind bint Abi Hala stated, “The abdomen of Allah’s Messenger was blessed and equal to the chest.” (Tirmidhi, Bayhaqi, Siyuti)
Aisha bint Abi Bakr narrated, “The back of the Holy Prophet was broad.” (Bayhaqi)
Jabir bin Samurah (RA) narrated, “Between the blessed shoulders of the Messenger of Allah was a marked seal resembling the size of a pigeon’s egg, with red and raised flesh.” (Tirmidhi 3644)
Abu Huraira (RA) reported, “The Holy Prophet appeared tall among those walking with him.” (Imam Suyuti)
Maulana Rumi says:
بشکلِ شیخ دیدم مصطفیؐ را
ندیدم مصطفیؐ را بل خدا را
Ba Shakl-e-Shaikh Deedam Mustafa Ra
Na Deedam Mustafa Ra Bal Khuda Ra
Explanation: I saw Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in the form of my spiritual guide. Not only that but I also beheld Divine Essence in the form of my spiritual guide.
Allah is the Lord of all worlds. He made His beloved Prophet, the mercy for all the worlds. Like Allah listens to the call of every creature, similarly, the Holy Prophet also listens to and accepts every supplication of his devotees. He provides solutions to their difficulties.
Dream of Qaid-e-Azam
It is said about Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) that the responsibility of a separate state was entrusted to him by the directive of Prophet Mohammad. He says:
“I was sleeping in my room one night in London when I was awakened by a jerk. I went back to sleep. The second jerk was more intense. I got up, checked the door, and made sure everything was fine. Satisfied that all was well, I went back to sleep. The third jerk shook me awake. I sat up on the bed. My room was fragrant, and I sensed someone’s presence.
I asked:
Who are you?
Qaid-e-Azam says, he heard a replied:
I am your Prophet Mohammad.
I have come to ordain you to leave for India and guide Muslims there in their Freedom Movement, I am with you. Finally you will emerge successful – Insha Allah.
After this incident, I returned to Mumbai permanently as soon as possible.”
This incident indicates that Prophet Mohammad can speak and understand not only English but every language.
The Virtues and Blessings of Mohammadan Assembly
It is said that a person is recognised by their company.
صحبت صالح ترا صالح کند
صحبت طالح ترا طالح کند
Suhbat-e-Salih Tara Salih Kunad
Suhbat-e-Talih Tara Talih Kunad
Explanation: It means that the company of the virtuous will lead you towards goodness, while the company of the wicked will lead you towards wrongdoing.
Seven Signs of Mohammadan Assembly
The one who benefits from Mohammadan Assembly becomes illuminated like the sun. The company of Prophet Mohammad turns the tainted soul of a seeker into a clear mirror, and his blessed presence imparts a fragrance to the soul. A person who benefits from Mohammadan Assembly radiates such a glow in their personality that wherever they are present, they illuminate the surroundings. Their character and speech become a reflection of the ethics of the Holy Prophet. The virtues and blessings obtained from Mohammadan Assembly are limitless.
Sultan Bahoo states:
The explanation and beneficence of Mohammadan Assembly has seven signs. Firstly, the fragrance of Prophet Mohammad’s presence is more aromatic than musk. This is because in the blessed existence of Prophet Mohammad there is no inciting self and there is no greed, envy, or sensual desires. Prophet Mohammad is annihilated in Allah and is always with Allah. He was not born from the loins of his father. His birth occurred in such a way that Angel Gabriel brought a fruit from Paradise for Bibi Amina (RA) which was the fruit from Shajra-tun-Nur.
A special fragrance emanates from the blessed existence of Prophet Mohammad. No other existence can attain this attribute, even if they stay in the Mohammadan Assembly for their entire life. Secondly, the impact of the company of Prophet Mohammad is that one who regularly stays in Mohammadan Assembly both externally and internally, their heart becomes rich. Thirdly, whatever they say is in accordance with Quran and Hadith. Fourthly, they strictly follow Sharia. Fifthly, they consider following the Sunna obligatory upon themselves. Sixthly, they are a benefactor of the Muslims. Seventhly, they are extremely generous. Outwardly, they interact with people while inwardly they are annihilated in Allah. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Mohammadan Assembly Transforms Seeker’s Personality
When the aforementioned attributes touch one’s personality, their raw existence becomes enriched with the blessings of Mohammadan Assembly. Love of Prophet Mohammad, gnosis of Mohammadan reality and union with Mohammadan essence take over their entire being. They attain the pleasure of Prophet Mohammad. All inappropriate attributes and behaviours vanish from their existence. Through unveiling, they become aware of all hidden and apparent spiritual ranks. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Concluding Thoughts
There is no higher spiritual rank than seeing the Holy Prophet and being present in his sacred assembly. However, one only attains this blessing after they pass through the stations of purgation of the self and purification of the inward. For this to happen, it is essential to have the company and spiritual supervision of a perfect spiritual guide. The perfect spiritual guide in present era is Sultan al-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, who is the 31st Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order. Due to his spiritual attention numerous men and women among his disciples have attained presence in Mohammadan Assembly. It is an open invitation to Divine seekers to visit Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and attain the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat so that they may succeed in their worldly life as well as hereafter.
Books Consulted:
- Sirr al-Asrar: Authored by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
- Nur-ul-Huda Kalan: Authored by Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
- Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan: Authored by Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
- Shams-ul-Arifeen: Authored by Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
- Insan-e-Kamil: Authored by Syed Abdul Karim Bin Ibrahim al-Jili
Comments (27)
This is so beautiful♥️
Indeed Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman has blessed many of his disciples with presence in Mohammadan assembly.
i like this artical
Very beautiful ❤️ and informative article
Every person who regards the Prophet as deceased has a dead inward, and Satan has confiscated their faith and belief. (Kaleed-e-Tauheed Kalan)
Best article
Sultan Bahoo said:
Know that Prophet Mohammad is the source of Divine grace and blessings for every individual
(Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalaan)
Sultan Bahoo has stated:
It must be known that Allah Almighty sent the Holy Prophet for the guidance of mankind. What audacity does the accursed Satan have to adopt the title of ‘guide’?
Very Informative Article Subhan Allah
Love for the beloved Prophet Mohammad pbuh is faith
Very impressively
Know that Prophet Mohammad is the source of Divine grace and blessings for every individual
(Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalaan)
Those who do not believe in the eternal life of the Holy Prophet cannot be from his umma. They are liars, faithless and hypocrite.
This is truely informative and guiding article.
Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger from amongst themselves, who recites to them His revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the book and wisdom.
Behtareen ❤️
Very good and very well researched
Very informative article 👍
صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلٖہ وسلم
Nice Article
Nice article
Great article
Really beautifully written topic. Eagerly waiting for the next part
A very good explanation of Sufism!
Very well explained👍🏻
SubhanAllah part 5 is also very interesting and inspiring!